About us
We believe in literature
As a way of life
A part of life
A path through life
Life itself
Established in 2006, Bodhi Tree Publications specialises in books on English literature studies for students and teachers of the discipline.
Our books are meant for the student who is looking for a quick refresher and for the student and teacher seeking a new way of learning. Our books are also for those who are not afraid to try a novel approach to advanced literature studies.
We are not your run of the mill store for academic books, though.
With over 40 titles in literature and allied disciplines, our books are ideal for the new age cybernetic generation weaned on interactive, personalized learning. You may call them fragmentary monoliths inviting hands- on engagement and active participation. Interactive and interdisciplinary in nature, they invite reader participation and stimulate further research.
What makes our books unique is the fact that almost all of them have been contributed to by the students and young scholars of TES, a premier institution for literature studies and related pursuits, in Thiruvananthapuram.
TES has been in the forefront of UGC NET coaching for postgraduate students in literature, also helping aspiring English professionals improve their employability skills. Students gain invaluable skills researching, writing, editing and proofreading these books.
Our books are not fossilized tomes of knowledge, but works in progress where you the reader are invited to contribute, create, construct and enhance meanings through challenging activities and thought provoking teasers.
Each of these books follows the cybernetic style of knowledge sharing, pointing the interested reader towards further research and exploration using not just print media but all the resources of multimedia.
Bodhi Tree Books are not the end of your quest for knowledge but a beacon of light pointing you in the right direction.
Bodhi Tree Books and Publications is not only the proud publisher of academic books on great writers and theorists, but also takes pride in publishing books by talented young storytellers and poets. We have done pioneering work in producing educational resources for the cybernetic generation with daring and successful innovations in content development and design. At Bodhi Tree, we also believe that Indian English literature and criticism can play a significant role in English Literature. We have published many popular titles in Indian Literature studies, and we relish the opportunity to publish more across every category and interest with the utmost care and enthusiasm.
Contact us
Email - bodhitreebooksandpublications@gmail.com
MO. + 91 938 783 9871